Love you till the cows come home -

Blake & Daisy had such a fun, intimate engagement session at Blake's families dairy farm in October! It is always such an honor to be asked to come out to someone farm for sessions. It's also an honor when farm boys are willing to stop working for an afternoon to take pictures with their loves. They chose this location not only for the beautiful setting, but because it was so special to them to do them together at the farm. We took pictures in the hay barns, wandered around the alfalfa fields, hung out with the yearling heifers, and danced in tall pastures. While Blake's family runs a dairy, they also have their own little beef herd with a handful of Hereford girls that we ended out session during golden hour dancing amongst the cows. Talk about so freaking cute!!

These cuties have been together since high school, stuck it out through all of undergrad & grad school in Southern Illinois (which is where I met Daisy, at SIUC on the beef farm! Daisy later ended up coming to church with us where I watched her grow in her relationship with Jesus which was the most beautiful thing anyone could ever ask to experience). I was absolutely HONORED when she asked me to be her wedding photographer)

Blake & Daisy, you two are SO much fun and have the sweetest connection. I love seeing the way you look at each other and how easily you can make each other laugh – it’s perfect! Your wedding day is going to be all sorts of beautiful, I seriously can’t wait!

illinois dairy farm engagement photo session
illinois dairy farm engagement photo session hay barn
illinois dairy farm engagement photo session hay barn
illinois dairy farm engagement photo session hay barn
illinois dairy farm engagement photo session hay barn
illinois dairy farm engagement photo session hay barn
illinois dairy farm engagement photo session hay barn
illinois dairy farm engagement photo session hay barn
illinois farm engagement photo session pasture
illinois farm engagement photo session pasture
illinois farm engagement photo session pasture
illinois farm engagement photo session pasture
illinois farm engagement photo session pasture
illinois farm engagement photo session pasture
illinois farm engagement photo session pasture